Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Last Thrift Store Run.

So, now that we have developed our first moving budget and plan, saving money is the number one priority.  I have decided that shopping for anything outside of our needs is a no-no!  So last week, I made my last thrift store run...okay second to last thrift run. 

To be honest we have everything we need and as far as decorating the house with a few odds and ends, I have plenty here that I can work with.  From now and until the day we begin to pack, the probability of making those projects which I have been putting off for so long happen, is pretty high.  Which is a good thing because, I can be creative and finally do what I want. Which is to simply create a beautiful home, that I call sanctuary.  

Ok so, keeping it real, and while I am sharing, I wouldn't be lying if I said, there is a part of me that is thinking, we are packing it all up over the next 6 months, I might as well just let things be.  However, knowing me and my need to be do something that "letting it be" stage will not last long.    

Anyway, back to the thrift store finds and this run being my (second to) last.  I still have to find two scrabble games for a project to which I am attempting to complete.  This project is to commemorate our move.  I saw this on Pinterest.

Can you guess what I am doing?  To get this project started, as I said, went to pick what I needed from the thrift store.  I managed to score this bunch of awesomeness:

I love the simplicity of this rustic and plain tray for $2
This I will have to save for another project.  

I have been eyeballing these for quite some time.
at a $1 each I didn't want to pass it up.
One plate holder is not shown. 
This was just unique and I love unique.
Bamboo mat and frame - $4

Print of a Rosalie Adams painting - $1.50
I never heard of her, but it will go well in my son's room.
I took it out of the frame to which it was folded in.  

The frame the Rosalie Adams was in.
This will be used for my scrabble project. 

$12.50 is all I spent...I love the bamboo framed mat, it's going in my living room.  The rest will be used  for various projects around the house, that I will get to another time and if I don't get to it soon enough, another place.

So, now that I can't or should I say have chosen to not shop, what's a girl to do?  I guess get busy on all these projects.

Source: Scrabble/Map

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