Thursday, August 22, 2013

DIY: Baking Powder

I strongly dislike when I run out of a crucial baking ingredient.  Now, I realize there are substitutes for most ingredients, but there are some things I have not settled myself to doing...yet.  It has to do with that comfort food and comfort zone thing...I know, it's all mental.

Anyway, I forget when and how I learned about how to make my own baking powder, but ever since I did, I have been in love with the results. I love that over all, I am making something much more healthier than some of the store brought brands.  Why? Because some like the inexpensive Clabber Girl has Sodium, Aluminum sulfate aka aluminum.  Umm, yeah, hasn't that stuff been proven to be one of the causes to Alzheimers?

Yeah about that...I say no to harsh ingredients that have the potential to harm my children and cause problems for them as adults.  So while I love the stuff and you will often see a can of Clabber Girl in my pictures, It's not the original brand mix.

Approx 20oz bottle via for $8.98

Making baking powder literally takes a couple of minutes.  The mix below yields 1 full tablespoon. That being said, if you are like me, you usually need to double recipes because you have a sizable family, you will have to do a little math.

If you are worried about your cream of tartar being too expensive consider purchasing it in bulk. You will get more than enough uses out of it and it is well worth the price. Especially if you consider the long term health risk.

DIY: Baking Powder

1 teaspoon Baking Soda
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 teaspoon corn starch

  1. Mix the baking soda and cream of tarter together until well combined.  Use immediately.  

Note: Corn starch is optional, however, if you intend on storing your baking powder you will need to add it. The corn starch absorbs the moisture from the air, and prevents the baking powder from reacting before you need it. Baking Powder should be stored in an air tight container.

Yields: 1 Tablespoon of baking soda

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